
MSNE/PHYS 435/535 Crystallography and Diffraction

The course is designed to introduce diffraction techniques for the study of crystalline materials. This course is required for all MSNE undergraduates (MSNE 435) and graduate students (MSNE 535). It may also be appropriate for students in CHEM, CENG, PHYS, GEOL, etc.

Useful tools:

Materials project: https://www.materialsproject.org/#search/materials/
The periodic table of the elements: https://www.webelements.com/
COD: http://www.crystallography.net/cod/
Crystal maker: http://www.crystalmaker.com/
VESTA: http://jp-minerals.org/vesta/en/

MSNE/PHYS 437/537 Crystallography and Diffraction Lab

The course is designed to complement the lectures in MSNE/PHYS 435/535, which must be taken concurrently or previously. The lab experiments concern the structure and constitution of materials as revealed by X-ray scattering and electron diffraction methods. This course is required for the BS MSNE degree (MSNE 437) but optional for other degrees. Undergraduates planning to stay at Rice for graduate school should take MSNE 537.

MSNE/CHEM 580 Microscopy Methods

This course covers the theory and applications of electron microscopy techniques with an emphasis on transmission and scanning transmission electron microscopy (TEM, STEM). Topics include modern instrumentation and hardware, electron diffraction, imaging modes, tomography, and spectroscopy (energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), electron-energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), cathodoluminescence (CL)). Previous experience with electron microscopes is recommended. Can be taken alone or concurrently with lab course MSNE 582. Cross-list: CHEM 580.

MSNE/CHEM 582 Electron Microscopy Center Lab

A hands-on laboratory using the instruments in the electron microscopy center. The students will gain the knowledge necessary to operate the instruments and analyze data independently. Must be taken concurrently with MSNE 580. Cross-list: CHEM 582.